Last week, we asked you, our wonderful patients, what you most liked about your experience at Westfield Braces. Well, we received some pretty great reviews, and thought we’d share a few with you today. Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts about our office! Dr. Burns and team love getting patient testimonials!

"He is approachable, friendly and answers our questions completely. Most importantly, our son is comfortable with Dr. Burns and his staff."

"The office staff is great and I am very comfortable with Dr. Burns as a professional. He is an excellent orthodontist. This is my second child having braces with Dr. Burns as the orthodontist" ~Geraldine

"I was very happy with the overall consultation experience. Both my son and I were very impressed with the office, staff and the doctor. We feel that we are in excellent hands and when the time comes for Ethan to get his braces, we are confident that we will use this practice." ~Andrew

"Dr. Burns understands my child's theatrical activities and is willing to use ceramic braces on the top that are barely visible from stage. He explains what he wants to accomplish well and is nice to deal with. I love Michelle in his office who is very helpful and kind. It is a pleasure to select services from Dr. Burns." ~Joseph
